International Lyme & Associated Diseases Society

The International Lyme & Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) – a small medical society comprised of accomplished scientists, medical experts and practicing physicians – is proving to be a disruptive force in the conversation around the treatment of Lyme disease.  With more than 200,000 new cases reported every year, Lyme disease is one the fastest-growing infectious disease in the country.  Contrary to popular belief, it is a complex disease that can be easily misdiagnosed, even in its early stages.  Lack of reliable diagnostic tests and variations in symptoms exacerbate treatment challenges.

Th medical community is divided when it comes to treatment  recommendations.  Mainstream organizations such as The New England Journal of Medicine, and the National Institute of Health and myriad infectious disease specialists adhere to the point of view that Lyme is easy to diagnose and treat.  In contrast, ILADS physicians have ample scientific evidence that Lyme, if not  properly treated in its early stages can develop into a chronic condition with debilitating symptoms.  These symptoms often mimic serious illnesses due to symptoms such as extreme fatigue experienced by those multiple sclerosis, physical dysfunction comparative to patients with congestive heart failure and neurological impairment similar to ALS.  Yet, the mainstream medical community refuses to acknowledge the existence of chronic Lyme disease.

The communications challenge for ILADS focused on increasing awareness for the organization’s point-of-view relative to Lyme disease treatment options.  Media coverage to-date had reflected a “he-said, she-said” tone which hindered ILADS ability to establish an offensive position.  Pam worked closely with ILADS’ President Dr. Dan Cameron and others on the Board to build a strategic communications framework focused on educating the media, medical community influentials and policy makers to foster a better understanding of the issues and demonstrate the credibility of the ILADS perspective.  Additionally, Pam worked closely with patient advocate groups to successfully impact legislative decision-making.  Results included an increase in local and national media coverage (CNN, Good Morning America, New York Times among many others) and a more favorable dialogue with healthcare influentials and legislators that ultimately factored into a state-sponsored anti-trust investigation.

  • Client:

    International Lyme & Associated Diseases Society

  • Budget:


  • Date:

    February 08, 2021