Boopsie for Libraries

With more than 300 customers worldwide, Boopsie is the market leader in customized mobile apps for public and academic libraries. Boopsie has consistently demonstrated both technology and market thought leadership – its customizable, feature rich, low cost, low maintenance solution differentiates them “the pack”. And they were the first to recognize the need to integrate directly with OverDrive, the company that houses the majority of e-books licensed by libraries worldwide. The integration with OverDrive makes it at least 10x easier for library patrons to find and download e-books to mobile devices.

Key communications objectives for Boopsie have focused on building awareness for their unique solution and educating key decision-makers on the role mobile technology plays in expanding the library’s reach and relevance to the community.

One of the biggest opportunities to demonstrate the power of mobile is in the engagement of “underserved” populations. Invariably this means lower income and/or people of color. A blog post ghost-written by verbal800 can be found here.

Recognizing that Boopsie was unique in its ability to offer multi-lingual support, verbal800 researched policies and practices associated with engaging underserved communities. REFORMA stood out as the leading organization working with public libraries to promote better engagement with Spanish-speaking and Latino communities. verbal800 initiated outreach and brokered introductions with Boopsie’s CEO and key REFORMA decision-makers. Boopsie agreed to develop the app for REFORMA’s annual conference that would be delivered in both Spanish and English. The conference provided an ideal platform for showcasing its multilingual support and demonstrating thought leadership. Results from this work included notable media coverage and an increase in sales inquiries.

  • Client:

    Boopsie for Libraries

  • Budget:


  • Date:

    January 08, 2021